New Partner: Get RentEngine for Free

Customers of Enterprise Bank & Trust can use their analysis credits to pay for RentEngine
Feb 03, 2025
New Partner: Get RentEngine for Free

You can now get RentEngine for FREE by using your Enterprise Bank & Trust analysis credits to pay for your RentEngine account.

RentEngine has partnered with Enterprise Bank & Trust to help property managers lease faster, simplify operations and increase profitability.

Who can I contact to set this up?

If you are already an Enterprise Bank & Trust customer, please reach out to and CC on the email. Here's a draft of the email you can send:

Hi there

Can I request that my Analysis Credits be used to pay my RentEngine invoices? I've CC'd the RentEngine operations team so that they can send future invoices to you for payment via ACH

Thank you,

{Your Name}

‍If you're not yet an Enterprise Bank & Trust customer, you can learn more about their accounts here:

Do my Analysis Credits ever expire?

Analysis credits don't expire month-to-month, however they do expire each year. Check with your account rep, but typically all invoices need to be submitted by mid-January of the following year.

How can I check my credit balance?

The Analysis Statement is a separate document that summarizes all transactions and average balances. It calculates the credits earned and shows how those credits have been applied. Any unused credits from previous months will roll over to this statement if they weren't used before the month ends.

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